Our Story
- To joyously celebrate God,
- To declare salvation through Jesus Christ,
- To bring others into relationship with Him and into the nurture of His church,
- To grow in Christian faith, and
- To equip people for the work of ministry to the glory of God.
Since our beginning in 1957 we continue to strive to fulfill our purpose and Mission as a church of Jesus Christ and as an American Baptist congregation.
Our congregation is blessed with people of great experience. We love Jesus, we love Hymns, we love God’s Word, and one another.
We are passionate about prayer and caring for the “…least of these” (Matt. 25:40)
To many who visit us we are like the church they grew up in…it feels like home.
Welcome Home!
What we believe
- We believe in one Loving God, eternally existing in three Persons; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Bible and its sufficiency as our only rule of faith and practice.
- We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
- We believe Man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, incurred both physical and spiritual death, separating all humanity from God.
- We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of every Human Being according to the Scriptures, and all those who trust in His shed blood, and have received Him by Faith as their personal Savior, receive forgiveness by His Grace and the gift of eternal life.
- We believe in the bodily resurrection of our Lord, His ascension into Heaven and His presence there as our Intercessor.
- We believe in the personality, presence, and work of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, as the revealer of Jesus Christ during this period in which Christ is absent from the earth.
Please remember our leadership team in prayer and contact them if you need help in the ministry areas they oversee.
Nicholas Quient
Office (310) 378-1253 | nicholaquient@hotmail.com
Board of Elders
June Taylour, Victor Carbajal, Richard Jones, Robert Jones
Eileen Tabares (Chair of Finance), Rafaela Sanchez (Treasurer), Tim McCully (Church Clerk)
Ministry Team Deacons
Lynn Cauble (Worship), Donnis Lantz (Missions)
Dr. James Hurd | (310) 645-0424 jhorganist@aol.com
Eileen Tabares (Facility Coordinator)
American Baptist Women’s Ministries
Eileen Tabares | (310) 344-2794 | FirstBaptistPV@yahoo.com
Office Administrator
Gina Figueroa | FirstBaptistPV@yahoo.com | Office (310) 378-1253